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Unlocked by Matt Landau

Nov 8, 2017

Ralph and his wife Karen, like many people, fell in love with Paris. However, instead of doing what most people would of done, they began buying property in Paris & Nice. Since then, they have been successfully operating a vacation rental business remotely. In this episode we learn how Ralph and Karen have created a remotely operated business process, and how they’ve overcome the tragedies brought on upon by recent terrorist attacks.


Show Notes


  • How Ralph wound up in going from Houston to Paris
  • Picking out his first real estate property
  • Ralph’s encouraging thoughts on trying out the business
  • Developing processes and systems to automate a business
  • Packing Ralph packages multiple destinations in one trip for guests
  • How Ralph leverages his vacation rental websites
  • How tragic terrorist attacks impacted Ralph’s businesses in Paris & Nice
  • How to deal with adversities like natural disasters
  • Why Ralph resisted using AirBnB
  • Knowing when it’s right to quit the business
  • Using Youtube to fix random problems







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