Sep 7, 2021
Ashley Kubiszyn is CEO of River Ridge Rentals in Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, and Keystone Colorado.
The company has been around for 20 years but Ashley took it over form her mother: conducting a full re-haul on systems and technology, while buttressing the aspects that make them market leaders like specialization, localization, and community involvement.
Most of the questions in this interview are framed -- “Knowing what you now know, how would you do it when starting from scratch?” -- giving newcomers a powerful roadmap to follow and veterans that nudge to address weaknesses that need an update. And pay extra attention to Ashley’s emphasis on communication: both the techniques and the technologies that close the understanding gap, producing happier, more calibrated, guests, homeowners, and teammates.
This episode is brought you by Point Central, the leaders in smart home automation, and Breezeway, the best in class property care and automations platform.
Links Mentioned in Show:
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