Mike Harrington was the de-facto head
of VRMA up until a few hours after our conversation. He’s also the
President of Topsail Realty in North Carolina which was hit by a
nasty hurricane in September.
Almost 75% of Mike’s properties had
damage so this was a pivotal learning experience for him and his
team. Mike’s big saving grace was trip insurance. If you’re
the kind of person who thinks a natural disaster would never happen
in your region, this episode will open your eyes.
you want to innovate like Mike, consider a demo with our friends at
PointCentral (free HVAC Analytics included from this landing page):
are some links that may or may not have been mentioned in the
Unlocked is a podcast series that invites you to be a fly-on-the-wall as VRMB founder Matt Landau interviews some of the world’s most innovative vacation rental professionals. The goal of this podcast series is to share best practices and to remind vacation rental professionals that we have everything we need inside of us to succeed.