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Unlocked by Matt Landau

Aug 7, 2019

There are certain people in our industry who, when you meet them, you just kinda get excited about everything. Christine Saba is one of those people. Christine is technically the Head of Growth at Noiseaware, which is the fire alarm for noise. But her roles and responsibilities tend to spill over into all kinds of areas. I had the chance to visit NoiseAware's headquarters in Dallas, Texas and the irony that we had noise challenges in the recording was only surpassed by the fact that we solved them. 

If you want to innovate like Christine, consider a demo with our friends at PointCentral (free HVAC Analytics included from this landing page):

Mentioned in this episode:

NoiseAware’s Partnership:
Heather's Vacation Rental Success Summit:
Dallas Pets Alive:
One Million Cups:
Rent Responsibly:
The Guild:
VRMA International: