Dec 4, 2019
If there is one person that has been a steady constant throughout the last decade of vacation rental mayhem, it’s Koryn Okey. She started out with a company called FlipKey and now works as the VP of Sales at Breezeway (an awesome cleaning app you should demo immediately). If you have ever attended a vacation rental conference, chances are you have seen or met or at least heard Koryn laugh.
Her experience gives her an incredibly nuanced understanding of where we are right now. And it’s not often that we interview vendors this season, so I took the opportunity (after pulling Koryn away from her booth at the Streamline Summit) to ask some of the grittier questions like ‘where are VR vendors missing the mark?’ Koryn took the questions like a champ -- her interview is as fun as it is insightful.
If you want to innovate like Koryn, consider a demo with our friends at PointCentral (free HVAC Analytics included from this landing page):
Here are some links and people mentioned in the episode:
Streamline Summit:
Trip Advisor: