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Unlocked by Matt Landau

Oct 23, 2019

Jennifer Frankenstein-Harris built her Great Ocean Condos business in New Smyrna Beach Florida into a 300+ property empire after being unable to find a technology-forward management company for a single property.  Now the largest manager in her area, Jennifer has played an important role in raising the standards and holding colleagues accountable in her region.

I had a chance to sit down with Jennifer during the recent 2019 VRMA International Conference in New Orleans and talk about the industry, why we shouldn’t call it an industry, advocacy and property rights, and growing up in New Jersey (for a whopping12 minutes!) Jennifer’s attitude about the industry and business in general is upbeat and laser focused. She’s fun to be around -- you can’t help but want to join in. 

If you want to innovate like Jennifer, consider a demo with our friends at PointCentral (free HVAC Analytics included from this landing page):

Here are some links and people mentioned in the episode:

Great Ocean Condos: 

New Symrna Beach:


Rental Network Software:

US Constitution:

Florida State College of Music: